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The world continues to feel the effects of climate change. Every nation of the earth has had a taste of this global phenomenon, and Nigeria is no exception to the rule.

Climate Reality Project, an International NGO based in Washington D.C., U.S.A. and chaired by Al Gore, former U.S. Vice President, has been involved in creation of awareness and training of over 11,000 climate change fellows.

On the 4th of March, 2017 at the Colorado Convention Center, a new set of fellows graduated. Just above 920 were selected from among 26,000 that applied for the training from all over the world.

When asked what the next step would be, Gbujie Daniel who was among the graduates said, “I have few invitations to make as a presenter on the climate impacts and I intend to use it to raise awareness for Africa and also plan to start to take impact.

There are plans to include Africans and few partners from across other continents in this wave of campaign to raise awareness and take climate actions.

As you know, I formed a group called “TEAM 54 PROJECT’. We primarily raise awareness on the climate change impact in Africa. We are working tirelessly to see to it that African governments do something substantial We are taking actions to enlighten Africans and also carry out various acts of leadership as it concerns climate change.”

Gbujie Daniel was recently invited to attend the 4th International Climate Change Conference in Rome, Italy by October 2017. He says he intends to take few of his group members with him.

“We urge everyone to be active as we bring to the attention of the global community the climate change impact in Africa,” he said.

“I must thank Ex-Vice-President Al Gore for the opportunity. It appears that the Climate Reality Project organization has a strident selection process. I was lucky to have been selected and really would want more Africans involved in the climate reality training.

By 2020, Africa is projected to be the continent most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Moving forward, I believe every human has a purpose on earth. For me, part of my mission is to help sustain the climate change momentum in Africa. We all must play our part in securing and establishing an ecologically sustainable environment for our kids.

Children from all over the globe need to be able to play and live sustainably in a society without carbon dioxide pollutions, without leaking or flaring gasses mainly seen in oil producing countries. No one should be exposed to black soot-like smoke that has severe health implications if inhaled.”

Gbujie went on to admonish young African leaders on the need to step out of their comfort zones.

“My journey so far has been motivated by some life-changing events. I was privileged to attend the COP 22 United Nations Framework & Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC) in Marrakech, Morocco. At the COP 22 event, I met two Nigerian ministers and few ministers from other nations. The discussion centered around the preparation for climate change impact in their respective countries. Somehow the former Minister of Environment Amina J. Mohammed won my heart. She reminded me of the need to take urgent steps in Nigeria, explaining that the destruction of oil pipelines would only make things worse as the oil spillage will further deplete and destroy the remaining natural resources. I was reinvigorated by all she said. I hear she is now the current Deputy-Secretary General of the UN. Since she is no longer at the helm of affairs, I fear progress towards reducing industrial emissions by 2020 may be slowed down.

I decided to join the Climate Change Momentum and I’m pleased to have received training as a Climate Reality Fellow/Leader, under the direct tutelage of Mr. Al Gore in Denver, Colorado.

I connected with people during my training, including Mr Al Gore himself, with whom I had a one on one interaction with. Unknown to him I had already started work on climate change, through published articles and opening of a Facebook page called ’54 Climate Change Global Quest for Africa’ a.k.a. TEAM 54 PROJECT.”

The young medical doctor shed light on his pet project. “TEAM 54 PROJECT approach to raising awareness is revolutionary because the awareness campaign is done globally and not in Africa. My encounter with Al Gore on March 2, 2017 in Denver, Colorado adds colour to the process. He said, “Daniel, it is good you are raising awareness of the impact of climate change on your continent as I have taught you. However it will be much better or may be the best to take Climate Action”. He believed strongly in our ability to make the difference.

This message is to everyone, we must reach out to every African, tell them about Climate Change and the need to act through mitigation steps and simple adaptive approaches.

Africans must unite and return to respect of our ancestral values. However, we must start adapting to the changing realities in our world if we expect to survive.

TEAM 54 is in talks with some organizations outside Africa on how best to take climate action. We are looking at extending our climate campaign to include waste management.”

He noted some of the consequences of a climate change, urging governments at all levels to address the trend.

“Mother Earth has cried out to mankind with the variables and environmental elements responding and reacting negatively against man. Sadly, animals are trapped in the middle; some are gone while others are nearing extinction, all primarily due to our activities in the industrialized and agricultural areas, just to mention but a few.

Nations are at arms against themselves while extremes of weather worsen internal and external conflicts as reported by UN. Worse data are expected from Africa. My country is in recession and it’s not a funny tale; farmers are finding it difficult to farm as rain-dependent plants have not seen rain for months, and with the increase in temperature the crops and trees dry up leaving the community with extreme famine, drought and diseases.

A nation that never plans for her young ones will only be ripe for extinction.”

He expressed satisfaction with the pace at which his team is currently working. He encouraged his group members to keep up the good work.

“I am excited that the climate change blog I formed is raising awareness of climate change impact in Africa. It is equally connecting talents together, making it a success story. A sustainable future and the opportunity that it can bring is an appealing quest to me for now. Therefore, Africans from all over the world, we must start to take our future seriously.

We are working on a fruitful partnership with Nigerian based organizations. Hopefully in few months from now we will kick off a few things.

We must start thinking of technological innovation, especially in the area of renewable energy. Our young engineers should be able to develop a solar-powered grinding machine, or a solar machine that can keep food stuff cool without electricity, or a solar-powered tailoring machine for artisans to make fine African dresses at a commercial scale, such that they can be exported all over the world.

I can’t fail to mention individuals that have helped me to get to this present state of consciousness. My Mum Deaconess Mrs. Joy Gbujie, my dad Engr. Gbujie John Oluchi, and my lovely wife and kids (Kendu and Ethan). I thank Dr. Osahon Enabulele, current Vice President Common Wealth Medical Association (Africa Region), and my dear friend and colleague Dr. Ugo Chukwu who has also seen oil spill and gas flaring destroy his home state in the southern part of Nigeria, hence his desire to support this project. All members of TEAM 54 are highly appreciated.

I will work until my very end to see that there is a better place for my kids and their friends in Nigeria and in Africa.”

You can join us in this quest to change Africa by taking action on climate change.

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Gbujie Daniel Chidubem is a Climate Reality Project Fellow and the Founder/CEO of TEAM 54 PROJECT.

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