Africans head to US for Climate Reality Project Training in Seattle, Washington

Generally people often use “global warming” and “climate change” interchangeably, the climate reality project training experts says that the two terms are different entirely. Fortunately, a non-profit environmental organization based in Nigeria, West Africa called “TEAM 54 PROJECT”, is creating a platform for young Africans to get properly trained and have better understand of climate change science and solutions.
TEAM 54 PROJECT organization works globally to raising awareness of about the impact of Climate Change in Africa and other vulnerable nations of world.
This African initiative is a novial one, it is totally a different way of raising awareness, by infusing the various passions that their members can demonstrate which includes but are limited to ; writing poetry, research paper, composing songs , dancing, creating innovative system, taking climate action like planting trees, organizing conferences, rallies, March and campaigns on the various green initiative in rural areas in Africa. Though majority of the groups action takes place outside Africa because the organization believe that the message should primarily be told to advanced nations and organization while the solutions and actions should be a global partnership with results manifesting in Africa.
Whatever passion is pushed forward by the group or her membership is supported and tailored to getting the universal message across that climate changed is real and there is need for action to be taken by everyone, either as individual, institutions or as nation. The global approach that must be adopted must be based on mitigation and adaptation policies of United Nations (UN) supported by innovative technology which Africa government must explore at all levels of government.
The exciting news about TEAM 54 PROJECT is that the group leadership led by Gbujie Daniel Chidubem, an oral surgeon turned global environmental Advocate/Activist, will head the delegation of members to the Climate Reality Project Training (CRPT)in Seattle, Washington USA in June 2017.
Dr. Gbujie leadership and numerous activities of the organization members have been tagged a success story even on the global scene.
TEAM 54 PROJECT is non profit organization in the world, that have received a number of international awards, and have received special invitation from international organizations like U.N, Youth Assembly of United Nations and UNFCCC to attend high level dialogue meeting on climate change.
Just recently Climate Reality Project a non-profit organization founded by the Ex-Vice President of United State of America during the Clinton Administration 1993 to 2001. Mr.Albert Arnold Gore Jr. Popularly called “Al Gore”. This organization mandate is to catalyze a global solution to the Climate Change crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society in the world. One way they do this mission stated above is through the leader training.
The program which is in keeping with the mandate of TEAM 54 PROJECT, made the Dr. Gbujie create a platform to raise awareness about this training which has resulted in the selection of TEAM 54 PROJECT active members in Africa, over 30 African were selected and confirmed to attend the prestigious Climate Reality Project Corp Training which is starting from 27th-29th June 2017 in Bellevue, an area near Seattle, Washington State USA.
These ordinary Africans will get an opportunity of a lifetime to be trained by top experts on Climate change science and soultions.
The keynote address will be delivered by one of America outstanding politician the current Governor of Washington State, Governor Jay Robert Inslee. Gov.Jay Inslee is a seasoned scholar, who co-wrote a book, Apollo’s Fire: Igniting America’s Clean-Energy Economy, in the book he highlighted extensively the potential and opportunities that clean energy technologies can generate for any nation.
Gov.Inslee has made climate change and clean energy a top priority for his administration in his state. Joining him on stage will be climate change experts, including former US Vice President and Nobel Laureate Mr.Al Gore, who will train all the successful participants who are coming from all over the world. All trained CRP fellows become Climate Reality Leaders and all return to there respective nations to raise awareness and take necessary climate action in order to make the world ecological stable and safe to live in.
The TEAM 54 PROJECT group will use the opportunity of training to raise awareness about climate change and its destructive impact in Africa and also will appreciate outstanding personalities who have been supportive and have assisted the group and her members to attend this June training in the US. The CEO of the organization in group’s blog last week posted series of activities that members would be involved in before and after the training.
It is becoming clear as we approach the U.N Sustainable development agenda deadline of 2030, that climate change will be a big challenge if mankind doesn’t start to take action to educate and advocate for a better world. In a brief discussion I had with Dr. Gbujie while visiting a West Africa nation to promote his organization work, he acknowledged the effort of all his members and international partners who are working tirelessly in the fight against climate change but he was quick to share that ” TEAM 54 PROJECT may have earned her strip for advocating for a better world among established organizations that share similar goals but much more needs to done, he is advocating for a common universal language for communicating the climate change crisis to Africans and to climate deniers.
He believes that we can win the climate change crisis, by working together as human race.
TEAM 54 PROJECT must be commended so far for her global climate actions especially in Africa, and other activities they have been involved: like planting of trees in Northern Nigeria during Earth Celebrations, seminar partnership with organization in sierra leone, International presentation on Climate change in Europe and Asia.
The organization recent activities in southeastern Nigeria, in May 2017 created a wider awareness and increase membership in thousands. The rural green initiative was launched that said it is clear to me that Africans now are organizing themselves to finding global solution to their problems, which is a welcome dedevelopment.
African government must now see as a priority the need tot divest from fossil fuel economy to cleaner forms of energy like; solar, wind, geothermal, and water which are healthy for the environment and EARTH as a whole.
TEAM 54 PROJECT group is also advocating for reduction in consumption of food especially meat and animal production commercialization, they believe it is also one of the ways carbon dixode emissions rate is released into nature and with reduction of our consumption habits plus better handling of our waste especially plastics and its byproduct we will be able to make earth better place to live.
I will advocate that a training of Climate Reality Project magnitude should be organize in the various Africa regions with partnership from region organization blocs in Africa and other non-profit environmental organizations
I want to appreciate the effort of the originator of TEAM 54 PROJECT Dr Gbujie who has created a wonderful platform that is bringing like minds all over the world together to raise awareness and proffer solutions on the climate change crisis in Africa.
I also wish all his members heading to Washington a wonderful training. Let the green philosophy be with us.
Audu Vincent Femi
Is a doctor and one of African beneficiaries of Climate Reality Project Training. He lives in Choba Rivers State Nigeria