Dubbed “Kasugbong Kalibutan” which literally translates to ‘global partner‘
• Attending this conference will help participants build social interactive framework to coordinate, collaborate and take climate actions across the world and help participants learn how to replicate this back in our respective nation.

• Participants will better understand climate change science and their roles as advocate while identifying the challenges that lay ahead.
• There will be breakout sessions that I will anchor, with other leading experts and special guests at the conference, we will analyze critically the climate change challenges from historical and regional perspectives to understand underlying dynamics and how best to communicate and replicate actions and even a similar conference like this at national levels.
.The conference will help participants reflect and reappraise the global progress on climate change movement. And how best to achieve the sustainable development on Earth while exploring better strategies to build climate resilient system across board.
.We also will be issuing a global communique with the conference suggestion on ways and approaches to achieve adaptation and mitigation strategies from the experiences and example from various nations.
• The Country will evaluate how climate change ideologies and science is helping to frame the existing global crisis like; violent conflict, trans-human migration and even economic instability mankind is facing and the choice of what to do to create and shape a climate resilient health system.
• We will then try to design and create a template for climate change campaign intervention strategy in the various continent of course considering the peculiarity of the region.
We will have time to listen and hear from participants how climate change has affected their nation and what they need to do recover; countries like Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Liberia, USA, senegal, Rwanda, Haiti, Tajikistan and Russia.

We will also present opportunities available and create platform for those doing and taking actions on climate change to express themselves and interact with others, with the view of incorporating innovation. We also will launching our Team 54 Project Endowment Foundation.
As the conference progress, we’ll take part in some green project already planned in the city of catbalogan, that is way on the path to achieving almost 100 % sustainability.
We will look at how Philippines recovered following their own ecological incident they faced and their path through a transformative agenda to sustainable development which delivered alot of learning and meaningful development modules to connect people with the environment, and we will expose participants to new ideas and innovations that will assist SDGs.
Our conference will serve as a platform to issue a powerful statement to the world that ordinary global citizens are concern about how climate change impact on our lives on Earth and are committed to ensure ecological prosperity for all achieved via sustainable development goals.

Team 54 Project do climate actions differently than it’s done anywhere else, because we engage the ordinary citizens to do and take the extraordinary actions
This is the application link people are applying with;