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When one has a divine grace, such a person will experiences its IMPACT , first hand especially during memorable points and personal crisis.I needed to share this ongoing journey which is still like a dream to me and a lot of people that know me from my days growing up, in Nigeria,West Africa .

I just want to inspire and motivate people especially our younger minds like me , to really work hard to develop your skills and improve on your talent because expanding on them for the good of mankind can trigger unprecedented GRACE on your journey through life.

That’s exactly what happened to me this week we entered.I had a health scare in my home on Sunday 21st of May 2018. It was unprecedented one minute everything was fine, the next moment it’s the operating room, I was to speak in less than 39 hours as an guest speaker at the 5th World Climate Change & Global Warming Conference, holding in the prestigious Hilton Hotel JFK Airport 144/135 Avenue, Queens NY USA from 23 - 25 May 2018.I had not prepared my slides which should from a previous research paper I wrote last year, but for some reason that I cant explain now, but believe to divine , is receiving global attention lately from scientists that I read about and watch on CNN.

Anyway, GRACE abound to all but it’s much more rewarding Impact, to those individual committed to elevating their present retrograde mindset to a growth mindset to help make one a better version of oneself as preached by Christ, who was a principled and practical man, he related with everyone equally irrespective of their status.So the health scare in the family was resolved thankfully and within hours we were released to go home, thanks to wonderful people like Dr. Khone ( the laparoscopic Surgeon at Brookdale Medical Centre USA) & few close friends who were pretty shocked at the sudden turn of event and my organization members who reached out me, somewhere surprise to see how claim I was during all the drama.

Everyone is fine now,and have returned to our daily family routine.So with all that life drama in context, I had just few 16 hours to prepare for my 15 international speaking conference appearance. My first global presentation in 2018 to an international audience have renowned government leaders and controversial scientists.I tried and develop a PowerPoint slide which I thought was not go enough but for the global gathering. Somehow, I finished the PowerPoint presentation majorly centered around my work early research paper titled “IS CLIMATE CHANGE THE ARMAGEDDON THAT WAS FORETOLD TO THE WORLD?: A REVIEW”.

By 4.00am of the D-day 23rd May , I was not able to familiarize myself with the slide, and I was one of speakers Africans and the only Nigerian opening the conference for that day that starts by 9.00am .I still had to do the usual routine school rounds for kids and off to the venue, Arrived few minutes late, got my prepared registration ID and waited patiently to be called .

Not surprising to most of you , I wore my usual African attire and my traditional red cap, something I do everywhere am to speak or am invited.I saw a lot of discussing anyway I mingled but didn't get noticed, many didn’t look at me at all, I guess to them the African is just a delegate, hmmm!!! were they wrong.And then the time came I was invited and citations briefly read and I moved toward the podium and observed that people were shocked to see me move to the front and took the Mic.I smiled, took a few seconds to say a prayer in my heart and opened my mouth and after 40 minutes, looking at people faces didn’t tell me much but after my last slide , thunderous clap and a standing ovation was just Surprising.

Now, the last 36 hours before that moment in time was totally different.I didn’t allow the incident at the home front to destabilize me, keep to myself throughout, I continued with my usual routine.To then see Prof Easterbrook, a Professor of Geology from Washington University, now a 83yrs old man, with over 50 years experience in environment research, also an author and a speaker at the conference. He has written about 200 papers in professional journals, with over 100 presentation of his research papers at international meetings in over 60 countries. An Ex-US representative to the UN on International Geological Program; a multiple global award winner and was recently mention by the American Men of Science as one of “The Most Influential Scientist in North America.”

A man who is featured regularly in the New York Times, and has appeared on all popular international networks shows in the US namely MSNBC, CNN, CBS and FOX.For him, and Dr. Hector M Guevara, President of NuEnergy Technologies Corp, USA an organization that provide a broad range of “green energy” consulting services, grant writing, and feasibility studies to business and government entities exploring the application of renewable energy technologies to their operations.,

For them to say that it was indeed the best presentation for the day and the facts that the Q & A was more of commendations and was further intellectually engaging was indeed a high point of the day.

Hello, Dan said an elder man who i later found out to be Prof. Nils -Axel Morner a renowned geophysicist from Stockholm University and has presented over 500 papers if his citations are to be believed, he tapped me gently, and said I have one area, I disagree with you. He explained himself and continue by saying but to say you didn’t shock a lot of us, is an understatement, I am honored to have listen to you, you deserve the plaque certificate. He said.

I reflected on all that had transpire 36 hours before and came to the conclusion that indeed an unseen hands guide the thought and actions of humans who make themselves willing tool for progress and advancement of human life, however one must put in your very earthly best and often deprive yourself of things in other to create an idea or finish a project that has the capacity to change lives and inspire others to do the same. That’s how my own GRACE works.

Furthermore, the commendation by other speakers and participating delegates, many of whom had passed me before my speech was also strange and nice but the crowning of them all is the commendation from another the excellent speaker, I listened to during the opening ceremony the renowned global Architect Dr. Mohammed Sherzad of the Ajman University UAE, who to me was really good, was inspiring and humbling.

He approached me to ask for my business card and to invite me to UAE for a presentation.At this point , I must thank Mr. AE Mallari a delegate from the Philippines and Mr. Chouobia Selkh from Algeria who assisted in helping with the later video I had of my speech using my phone which he had with him.

The conference video and professional pictures will be out after the conference is over.He was indeed a great African brother he never left my side.I also must appreciate our from Mexico Carmen Arzate VernisLet me thank Engr. Dave white of Climate change Truth and Dr . Thomas Wysmuller of USA who were the facilitator and all my new friends and Team 54 Project members who constantly bombard my phone with encouraging words, thank you.It’s back to the business of impacting lives and creating content.Lesson learnt apply yourself no matter the circumstances never give up.“Remain claim and continue to forge ahead “.

Always express the best version of yourself in all situation.Best regards Daniel Gbujie CEO

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