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I am grateful and thankful to all the staff Office of the President of UN General Assembly H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák for recognizing my organization TEAM 54 PROJECT, impact and affording me with the opportunity to participate in the Youth Dialogue at United Nations Headquarters on the 30th of May 2018. To be selected and recognized as part of young minds changing the world is indeed a honour.

I also want to Thank staff in the Office of the President of UNGA H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák for also extending another invitation for a Pre-dinner meeting with the UN leadership along with hundred outstanding young men and women across the global. To all my friends, I was laughed at and told by few shortsighted persons in Nigeria that I can’t make a global impact if am not directly connected to a Nigerian Government official , politicians or if my dad wasn’t the president.

As a young lad I was gutted, when I was told this, while growing up then. I realized also that there was an alleged ethnic card treatment which I experienced the negative part of it later in 2015.

In all I knew that I was never going to let someone’s else shortsighted Reality become my own Reality.

I continued to forge ahead to my vision, day and night studying and looking at ways to address global challenges.

I have strategically developed leadership capacity, starting from my local encounter as union leader in University of Ibadan, then to National Youth Service Corp Program, to being part of National leadership of National Association of Resident Doctors to being an associate member with World medical Association winning global recognition for my country.…/nigerian-doctor-wins-….

I did get a commendation letter from the permanent Secretary ministry of health Prof. Oshinubi, before she retired though a controversial lady herself but she recognized immediately that some union leaders are exceptional.

The rest is history. I was fortunate to get a training opportunity from a global leader who saw some things in me. He said greatness lays in every man, it’s just that people don’t know it but with the right mindset, environment and guidance from good people one will be the light.

Scared that if I leave the country, I may not return and having seen the near collapse I decided to see what the training would offer it was already paid for.

My mentor was right and I was able to know a lot about some of my country’s problems from the intensive training in Denver Colorado.

I immediately created a platform to see how I can be of help to my country and the world at the same time. Again the rest is history, created a global platform that has current serving government of officials of different nation. Membership in over 160 nations adding states that are non sovereign. And global partners who have come to be part of my empire like and Climate Reality Project. In 15 months of leaving my homeland I had just realized that I have impacted the World.

The same thing they say that I can’t achieve as an Igbo or as a Christian.

It is true when they say the identity and ethnic politics also destroy, because it elevates mediocrity and suppress merit which we need to build a sustainable future.

I now frequent the country to give speeches to the same people who laughed at the idea. I seat at the same table to discuss and engagement government officials at international events.

I am grateful to all my friends, clearly whatever I did in my past was preparing me for something bigger than myself which is my vision of global impact and to change the perception that every young Nigeria is an evil person.

I have said it so many times that the real Nigerians are not any of our current compromised petty fighting old men. The real Nigerians are parents that pay millions for their 4 kids to go to primary school and secondary school because government schools have collapsed badly.

The real Nigerians dig for their water because water cooperation board is just a structure , real Nigerians are those that protect themselves with sticks because politicians took all the police.

To all my friends and partners the real Nigerians never gets anything in return for being a Nigerian.

Anyway, I hope we get it right, am thankful to all those who rallied round my vision.

It’s still work in progress.

Thanks be to the Almighty

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